Monday, February 6, 2012

Vegan Grilled Vegetables Lasagna

Here is another winner recipe. It is pretty much done on instinct, so bear with me, as I don't have all exact measures! I am totally rubbish at that actually! I never cook by recipe despite of having lots of recipe books.
All I've done here was slicing 1 large aubergine and 2 courgettes, length wise. Better if you have a mandolin. About 5mm thick. Grilled them, or quickly fry them on a non stick frying pan with a tiny bit of olive oil. Slice about 6 to 8 white mushrooms, or any mushrooms you fancy and fried them quickly. Reserve them to one side.
Mean while, prepare your tomato sauce. My tomato sauce is pretty traditional, I always do it the same way and it seams to work. I use 1 finely chopped white onion and about 3 cloves of garlic, fried them till soft in a bit of olive oil, than add 1 tin of peeled tomatoes, 1 celery, squeeze in half a tub of concentrated tomato puree, salt and pepper. I cook it for about 30 min, but the more you cook the better it is...
Next I prepared the white Cashew nuts and yogurt paste, this plays the part of a cheese substitute, although mine didn't taste like cheese, but it worked beautifully.
I used 200g of raw cashew nuts, 3 table spoons of soy yogurt, 1 small finely chopped white onion, 10 g freshly ground ginger, 1 tea spoon of whole English mustard, salt and pepper to taste. All blended together to form a nice paste. If necessary, add a bit more yogurt to make it smoother.
Now the fun part,get a deep square or round baking dish. I always make the first layer with tomato sauce, so the aubergine won't stick to the bottom of the dish.
Than layer the aubergine, followed by a layer of mushrooms, a layer of cashew paste, them courgettes, than tomato sauce, and repeat again each layer. I aways finish with a layer of tomato sauce. Put in the oven at 200C for aprox 20 min. Serve with salad.
Lovely! It is always nicer the next day!

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