Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Foodaholic has gone Vegan 2012

Dear all,
Here is wishing you all a very happy new year, and that 2012 be a wonderfuly innovative and creative year for all of us.
To give 2012 the chance to be the year which changed my life and health forever, I decided, after not much but serious consideration, that I am going Vegan.
Oh yes! You heard me right! Not veggie, VEGAN(the crazy animal lovers radical and opinionated group of people who don't eat any ANY animal products or by-products.
Being this strong minded but lovely person that I am, I decided that enough was enough and hypocrisy had no time or place in this wonderful new year ahead.
So here is my first VEGAN recipe of the year.
Butternut and Coconut Soup:
1 Butternut Squash
2 medium red onions

Cut into small chunks and sweat it off with a drizzle of olive oil.
3 garlic cloves finely chopped and smashed with sea salt to form a nice paste. Chuck it in the pot and fry with the rest of the stuff.
Add 1 tea spoon of cinnamon, 1 tea spoon of freshly grated ginger, 1 tea spoon of freshly grated nutmeg, 1 tea spoon of coriander, lots of black pepper ( I like a lot of it, but you can do it to your taste) and salt to season to taste.
Fry all the seasoning with the butternut and onion, and when it is all very nice and soft enough, add a can of Coconut milk.
Now it is time to blend it, and taste. Put everything back in to the cooking pot and see if you need to season any more. I reckon it should be just fine, but I normally add a little more nutmeg. Hummmmm

I made some croutons of brown linseed bread and it was perfect.

Enjoy it with a nice glass of VEGAN red wine... and smile!

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